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The Glass Container Advisory LLC
Consultants to glass container manufacturers, their investors, suppliers and customers.
Glass container factory design, forming optimization, quality systems, asset valuation.
What We Offer:
Glass Container Industry Insights
- Market size
- Supply/demand
- Competitiveness
- Headwinds/tailwinds
Capex Effectiveness
- Construction advisory services
- Project planning and scheduling
- Technology evaluation for need, appropriateness, risk, and benefit
- Extreme furnace repair options
- Non-capital alternatives
- Purchasing specifications
- Design Review
- Factory and site acceptance test procedures

Productivity Strategies
- Balancing workforce capability improvement and technology to drive throughput and yield
- Optimizing machine size, pack, speed, run length, ware mix, and inventory

Asset Assessment
Advising investors on current and future potential
Assisting insurance adjusters in appraising damage and controlling the cost of repairs
Prioritizing repair and maintenance
Valuing assets and performance for insurance, lease back, sale, or purchase

Quality Management
- Advising on defect remediation and response
- Assessing quality systems against customer requirements
- Developing product qualification strategies

Expert Witness/Trial Assistant
- Clarifying glass container manufacturing jargon, technology, organization, and commercial relationships
- Providing opinions on root cause
- Sharing expert knowledge of glass container manufacturing, environmental and quality practices
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